It cannot be denied that food is an important factor for the body. Whether it will have good or bad effects depends on choosing the right food to allow the body to develop. And repair various parts because good health can be creat. We just need to start choosing to eat nutritious food and reduce high-calorie food, fried food, grilled food or food with a lot of fat because if the body does not burn it all, it will eventually become fat stored in the body. It is best to eat a complete diet in the right amount, choosing only nutritious food. Here we will talk about canned tuna which is one of the ingredients that many people like because it has a good taste, comes in many types, and is a low-fat protein source that is very suitable for health-conscious people or those who are looking after their figure.

Health Benefits
- Fish is a source of High quality protein And canned tuna in particular is an inexpensive source of protein and a useful pantry staple.
- A useful source of the amino acid taurine. Including being a source of seafood protein, including: Fish such as tunaIt is a useful source of the amino acid taurine. Studies suggest that this amino acid may be helpful in preventing Heart disease.
- Both fresh and canned tuna are a beneficial source of B vitamins, particularly niacin (B3), which supports Nervous system and skin. Tuna also contains calcium which helps Strong bones and muscle contraction; magnesium, Essential for energy and vitamin D which supportsImmune system, bone strength and brain function. Fresh tuna (per 100 grams) contains twice the amount of vitamin D as canned tuna.
- Tuna is low in fat, containing only 1 gram of fat per 100 grams, as is canned tuna in spring water or brine. but high in protein, making it a healthy tuna. Diet food.
Which canned tuna recipe should I choose?
Tuna in sunflower oil has a rich and salty taste, suitable for those who like a well-rounded taste and care about their health because sunflower oil contains fatty acids that help inhibit fat production. It can be use to cook food that contains mix oil, such as salads, sandwiches, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, etc.
Tuna in brine has a salty taste, suitable for people who are controlling their weight. It can be use to cook non-greasy dishes such as salads, spicy salads, spicy mince meat salads, soups, etc.
Tuna in mineral water has a bland taste. It is suitable for those who want to take special care of their health. Such as those who want to control their weight, have heart disease, or diabetes, because it has very low fat and salt content. It can be use in a variety of dishes, such as salads and boil dishes.
Tuna in soybean oil has a rich and salty taste. The tuna meat is soft and well-rounded. It can be use to cook food that contains oil, such as salads, sandwiches, curry, etc.